What Are You Going to Retire To?

You know what you are going to retire from, but what are you going to retire to? Are you going to have a retirement filled with fun and adventure, or one where you watch from the sidelines? The world of work, whatever it means for you, is ever encompassing. You will probably have spent on… Continue reading What Are You Going to Retire To?

Tips on how to Make the Most of Retirement

Batu Caves Kuala Lumpur

Having Fun in Retirement is the strapline to this blog, and I believe it is essential that you have fun, to really enjoy a long and happy retirement, and make the most of it. Lets face it sitting in a chair for 30 years might be a tad restricting. For me, making the most of… Continue reading Tips on how to Make the Most of Retirement

Optimising Your Retirement

There are many, many retirement blogs out there. from early retirement ones earlyretirementextreme, Mr Money Mustache, Budgets are sexy, to people who are making the most of retirement, specifically in the  UK, John Brassey,  Simple living in Suffolk. Doing the same search worldwide, identified so many blogs, that I couldn’t possibly list them. So is there a niche… Continue reading Optimising Your Retirement