Take the Spending Challenge?

It is November 1st in a few days.  So here is something to try for one month Part 1: Take a bit of paper (or a spreadsheet) Write down at the top, your net household income. (Salary, pension, etc). If your tax is not taken off before you get it, estimate your tax, and take it… Continue reading Take the Spending Challenge?

Retirement US v UK

What are the main differences in retirement in UK v US? The main considerations have to be—> State Healthcare I am based in the UK. so effectively, regardless of whatever health issue I have, it should be entirely funded by the National Health Service (NHS). While still working, my employer provided Private medical care. What… Continue reading Retirement US v UK

Optimising Your Retirement

There are many, many retirement blogs out there. from early retirement ones earlyretirementextreme, Mr Money Mustache, Budgets are sexy, to people who are making the most of retirement, specifically in the  UK, John Brassey,  Simple living in Suffolk. Doing the same search worldwide, identified so many blogs, that I couldn’t possibly list them. So is there a niche… Continue reading Optimising Your Retirement

Maximising your UK State Pension

The UK State pension has totally changed over the past few years, and as of April this year the calculation is entirely different. Going back a few years, Women got their state pension at 60, men at 65. If you a woman born pre-1950, it was also likely that your pension could be calculated on… Continue reading Maximising your UK State Pension

Setting Up My Blog

Well, I think (hope) I might have cracked the basics of this blog. A long way from feeling comfortable about it yet…. I can even see my stats. 5 views on one day. Whoopee! Thanks to very clear instructions from Skint Dad and Millennial Money Man , I have started a WordPress Blog using BlueHost as the Host.… Continue reading Setting Up My Blog