Book Review -Financial Freedom by Gisela Enders

Financial Freedom –  How people live when they no longer need to work. This book is a distillation of a series of conversations with people who have already achieved financial freedom, how they got there, and what they now do. It is an easy read. Many ideas are just dropped in, for you to think… Continue reading Book Review -Financial Freedom by Gisela Enders

Retirement – The best 6 years of my life

On 28th October 2011, I said goodbye to the world of work. I had just turned 56. I couldn’t really believe I was walking away from a very well paid job, which I mostly enjoyed, but it had got very stressful (or maybe it was that I had ceased to manage the stress well!). My… Continue reading Retirement – The best 6 years of my life

What Are You Going to Retire To?

You know what you are going to retire from, but what are you going to retire to? Are you going to have a retirement filled with fun and adventure, or one where you watch from the sidelines? The world of work, whatever it means for you, is ever encompassing. You will probably have spent on… Continue reading What Are You Going to Retire To?

Living Your Dream at 60!

Living Your Dream at 60. What will life be like? What do you really want? Over the past few weeks I have been seeking views from fellow financial bloggers both from UK and US, digital nomads, younger people I know – all sorts of people from many different backgrounds, the broad question is ‘What is… Continue reading Living Your Dream at 60!

1, 2, 3, RETIRE – Ready or not

For many people, retirement comes along whether you want it or not. However, recently some are choosing a different path. Some in the FIRE community (Financially Independent, Retire Early) are choosing to continue at work whether they are financially independent or not. I read an article recently by Monevator on why the FIRE acronym no… Continue reading 1, 2, 3, RETIRE – Ready or not

Top 3 Things For a Great Retirement

What are the top 3 things for a Great Retirement? I started writing a post about the Top 10 Things About Retirement, then it became 5 things, then I realised so many of the things needed several of the others, that the list boiled down to just 3 things. I started my retirement journey in… Continue reading Top 3 Things For a Great Retirement