I’m taking a break

I’m retired, so why do I need a break? Because part of the fun about being retired, is that you don’t have to do the same things, all the time. When I first retired, 8 years ago now, I was looking after my Mum, I was enjoying my first attempts at making jewellery, my husband… Continue reading I’m taking a break

Amazing Retirement

Retirement can be Amazing Whatever age you are, when you are retiring, you really need to plan for it. What are you going to do? You can optimise it in advance. I certainly never get bored, a post I wrote over 2 years ago, and it is still applicable today. Here’s a couple of others (With… Continue reading Amazing Retirement

Retired or not Retired?

Of recent days and months the Thought Police are out and about, questioning whether once you have achieved Financial Independence (FI) and chosen to Retire Early (RE), hence FIRE,  you should never do anything at all that earns money, ever again. Really?? This post has been inspired by a great post I read recently by… Continue reading Retired or not Retired?

Spring is Here

Spring is Here. It is by far my favourite time of the year. Full of hope and promise, and positive thoughts. The garden is starting to come alive again. The world is literally turning greener as each day goes by. However, if today is anything to go by, the weather is still a bit variable.… Continue reading Spring is Here

Trying New Things

I don’t know about you, but I really love trying new things. It might be new food, new recipes, new activities or just even a new way of doing old things. I am told that by changing the way you do things, you force your brain to keep active. Do new things I have no… Continue reading Trying New Things